The Story of Ekrizdis- Dementors Creator


Hey Guys,

Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter. If I asked you to think of the darkest witch or wizard - who would you think of? Now, I would expect the majority of you would immediately think of Voldemort, right!! He was the most recent threat to the wizarding world and secured his place as one of the sinister dark wizards in history. Voldemort experimented with the darkest and most twisted pieces of magic, he went as far as to split his soul in to 7 pieces to become immortal. After Voldemort, I’m going to assume that a considerable amount of you will think about of Grindelwald. Grindelwald, though maybe not as evil as Voldemort, was certainly evil and a bit twisted in his own way. Some of you may have even thought of other witches and wizards, like Bellatrix or even Barty Crouch Jr. But what I bet is that  lot of you didn’t think
of was the dark wizard known as Ekrizdis. Ekrizdis isn’t particularly well-known, but he certainly secured his place as one of the darkest wizard in history as he was a practitioner of the worst departments of dark arts imaginable. Ekrizdis was a wizard that served as a representative for evil in its purest form.  The types of magic that he performed and experimented with, would make Voldemort’s horcruxes look like children's toys. Very little is known about Ekrizdis, other than the fact that he was alive during the 15th century, and that he was pure evil. No one even knows his nationality, and even if it was known, I’m sure nobody would want to claim ownership of him. Ekrizdis was the original inhabitant of the island fortress of Azkaban. While travelling Ekrizdis stumbled upon an island, it is what we know as Azkaban. Azkaban got its name from a mixture of the words ‘Alcatraz, the famous muggle prison, and ‘Abaddon’, the Hebrew word for "place of destruction". When he first arrived, it was just a regular island, but he soon turned it in to his own dark arts experiment zone. Hoping to keep the location of the island (which was located in the North Sea) a secret, Ekrizdis placed concealment charms on the island so that no one could find it intentionally. 

After placing the concealment charms, Ekrizdis began his dark arts experiments. He started luring muggle sailors to the island, then he tortured them and he eventually murdered them. And to this day, we don’t actually know what the extent of the torturing was, we just know that it was horrific. He had no goal, he didn’t want power or money or really anything, he just wanted to torture for the sake of torturing. Before setting foot on the island, Ekrizdis was mad, but after spending some time there, he became completely insane. He became so wrapped up and captivated in his experiments, that he lost his mind, and the poor sailors that he lured to the island witnessed it first hand.  In his madness, it has been speculated that Ekrizdis, intentionally or unintentionally created the creatures that we know as dementors. I could describe, dementors in my own words, but I think this quote pretty much sums it up: "Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest and most filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness  out of the air around them. Even Muggles feel their presence, though they can’t see them. Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling and memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself. You’ll be left with nothing but your worst experiences of your life.” If a Dementor isn’t the product of dark magic, then I don’t know what is and given the fact that Ekrizdis may have created these foul creatures. The creatures were strong and impossible to kill; many feared a horrible revenge if they took away their home.

I think that he deserves the crown of the most evil wizard to have ever lived. When Ekrizdis finally died, presumably of old age, or perhaps his own spell going wrong, the concealment charms that he had placed on the island were finally lifted. This is when the Ministry of Magic first found the island, an island full of creatures that they had never seen before. It has been reported that the investigative team from the ministry that first went to Azkaban never discussed their complete findings, in detail, they refused to discuss. I can’t even imagine what sorts of horrific things were\went on, if every single ministry employee that went there on the initial visit refused to describe what they had seen. Many ( myself as well) believe Ekrizdis to be the father of the Dementors 
What do you guys think? Who really created the Dementors? Let me know down in the comment section below
Until next time

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Stay tuned for more Harry Potter merchandise 

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Harry Potter things will be posted on this blog and any other things that do not include Harry Potter will be posted on my other blog "Brief Cargo"


  1. Yeah, I agree with you, Ekrizdis he can be the darkest wizard that ever lived. Luring the poor muggle sailors to the island and torturing and murdering them, now that's another level of evil and cruelty.

  2. If he didn't create dementors, then I wonder who did. I can't even begin to imagine who did it, if it was not Ekrizdis. If it was someone else, then he must have more evil than Ekrizdis

  3. I know that I am supposed to send you an email, if I want you to write about something. But I am busy and I don't have time, so can you please write about Raczidian

  4. Sure, no problem, I'll write about him today and post it


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