When a patronus goes bad (The story of Raczidian)


Hey Guys,

Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter. In my last post I discussed the story of a dark and evil wizard named Ekrizdis. Raczidian was a dark and evil wizard ( might belong in the same family as Ekrizdis, who is said to have existed during an unknown period in time, he's only referred to as ancient. There is also an argument that Raczidian is the father of dementors, as he may have existed before Ekrizdis and in the tales that speak of him dementors are mentioned. He was a very talented dark wizard who was fully immersed in the dark arts, he was able to produce all sorts of evil concoctions and cast sinister spells. But he had trouble casting one spell, it is what we know as the Patronus charm. But, you might be asking, if Raczidian commanded the Dementors, then why would he need to cast a Patronus charm? To be able to know about this further, we need to look at the story of Illyius, a young orphan wizard who saved his village from Raczidian. Illyius lived in a small wizarding village in the mountains, and Raczidian lived in a black and gloomy castle in a nearby forest- guarded entirely by Dementors. 

Knowing that Dementors roamed the forest, the villagers took care to teach every new generation the Patronus Charm, the only spell that worked against these evil creatures. Many were unable to master the difficult spell, but there have always been just enough people to cast the patronus charm in case Raczidian decided to attack the village with dementors. When Illyius turned seventeen, the village elders taught him and his fellow young wizards the patronus charm. Illyius succeeded in producing a Patronus but to his shame it took the form of a mouse. Everyone roared
with laughter because they had never seen such a small and weak Patronus and the elders advised him to never use the spell again. The townspeople had a fairly harmonious relationship with Raczidian, they didn’t quite get along with him or fraternize with him, but they left each other alone. However, that all began to change when Raczidian saw a girl from the village named Eliana. Raczidian took notice of Eliana, a beautiful young girl who lived in the village, while she was out picking berries in the forest. Deciding that she would make an ideal bride, Raczidian sent a demand to her parents but they refused to consent to the marriage. Raczidian then threatened to send his Dementors to destroy the village unless they Eliana his wife. The village elders had a meeting and agreed to put up a fight. Eliana was sent to Illyius's tiny shack and Illyius was ordered to sit out of the battle and protect her, as his patronus was thought to be weak to be of any use. At first, the villagers managed to hold back the torrent of enemies that attacked the village (which included bears, wolves, and wild boars), but gradually
the sheer number of foes began to overwhelm them. Their Patronuses grew faint, and slowly the spell casters started to collapse or fled for their lives. Eliana begged Illyius to do something, so he cast the Patronus Charm, and despite its size, the mouse shone with a brilliant light, bringing the Dementors to a halt. Illyius, who was thought previously unimpressive due to his Patronus animal, suddenly became the towns saving grace. When Raczidian saw that his Dementors were
being bested, he decided to take things in to his own hands. Enraged, Raczidian decided to enter the battle himself, and tried to summon a Patronus to ward off Illyius's mouse. However he failed to remember that only the pure of heart can produce a Patronus and thus for the first time in history, it was revealed what happens when an unworthy wizard or witch attempts to cast the spell. Maggots shot out of Raczidian's wand and quickly devoured him as they engulfed his entire body. 

As we can see, Raczidian who was massively magically talented, was simply not able to produce the patronus charm properly because he was not pure of heart.  He simply didn’t understand what the spell represented and he was unable to understand because he was a dark and twisted wizard. Where a normal witch or wizard could expect to be introduced to their spirit animal when casting the spell for the first time, Raczidian was met with maggots. On this fateful day, Raczidian set the precedent for what will happen if you try to produce a Patronus when you are emotionally and ethically unable. This is the same reason that many infamous dark witches and wizards don’t know how to produce one (Voldemort, Bellatrix, Dolohov) none of them could do it, no matter how talented they were. However, one thing that I’m curious about is whether or not maggots were unique to Raczidian. If another dark witch or wizard tried to produce the same spell, would they be met with maggots or would they be on the receiving end of some other unfavorable result? It’s hard to say because, no other witch or wizard in history attempted it after him. I like to imagine that maggots were unique to Raczidian - it was a true representation of the type of person that he was.
And that’s it for this post! What do you guys think? What do you think about Raczidian and Illyius. Let me know down in the comment section below. Until next time


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